Anna Wenter, MSc

Position: PhD student

Keywords: COVID-19, children, mental health burden, positive psychology (posttraumatic growth, resilience, quality of life), psychoanalysis

Research interests: I am doing my PhD as part of the "Tyrolean COVID-19 Children's Study”. Currently, my research interest lies in the psychological impact of the pandemic on children. We are investigating children's mental health and quality of life with quantitative online questionnaires, focus groups and mixed-methods designs. I am also doing psychoanalytic therapy training at the "Psychoanalytisches Seminar Innsbruck” (PSI).

Selected publications

Wenter, A., Schickl, M., Sevecke, K., Juen, B., & Exenberger, S. (2022). Children's mental health during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic: burden, risk factors and posttraumatic growth - a mixed-methods parents' perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:901205. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.901205

Wenter, A., Hartl, S., Sevecke, K., Juen, B., & Exenberger, S. (under review). Belastete Grundschulkinder - Welche Belastungsreaktionen und positiven Veränderungen zeigen sich in der Corona-Pandemie? Kindheit und Entwicklung.

Exenberger, S., Wenter, A., Schickl, M., Taferner, C., Haid-Stecher, N., Juen, B., Sevecke, K., & Siller, H. (under review). Cross-sectional studies of effects of Covid-19 containment measures on children's mental health through a gender lens. BMC Pediatrics.

Sevecke, K., Wenter, A., Schickl, M., Kranz, M., Krstic, N., & Fuchs, M. (under review). Stationäre Versorgungskapazitäten in der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie - Zunahme der Akutvorstellungen während der COVID-19 Pandemie? Neuropsychiatrie.