Christina Taferner, BA BSc MSc

Position: Clinical Psychologist 
ORCID: 0000-0002-9077-7205

Keywords: early childhood, parent-child-interaction, diagnostic and mental health in children and adolescents, child temperament, personality development, yoga, embodiment, mindfulness, character strengths   

Research interests: Overall, I am interested in supporting children and adolescents in (personality) development from a holistic (mind and body) and resource-oriented point of view. My research interest lies in the field of early childhood - in diagnostic and therapy of mental health and developmental disorders, with focus on the child (e.g. child temperament), the parents, and the parent-child-interaction of our inpatients in the parent-child-unit. Further, I appreciate yoga as an additional therapy in child- and adolescent psychiatry. Yoga offers great opportunities to focus on mindfulness, self-regulation, interoception, strengths and personality development. I am doing my PhD to Yoga as a positive embodiment approach for adolescent with eating disorders.

Selected articles

Taferner, C., Jahnke-Majorkovits, A.-C., Nakamura, S. & Sevecke, K. (2022). Merkmale der Inanspruchnahmepopulation einer Eltern-Kind-Station: Frühe interaktionszentrierte Behandlung als Chance in der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie. Neuropsychiatrie.

Zentner, M., Biedermann, V., Taferner, C., da Cudan, H., Möhler, E., Strauß, H. & Sevecke, K. (2021). Early Detection of Temperament Risk Factors: A Comparison of Clinically Referred and General Population Children. Frontiers in Psychiatry 12:667503. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.667503

Exenberger, S., Wenter, A., Schickl, M., Taferner, C., Haid-Stecher, N., Juen, B., Sevecke, K, & Siller, H. (under review). Cross-sectional studies of effects of Covid-19 containment measures on children's mental health through a gender lens , BMC Pediatrics.

Books and manuals

Taferner, C., Bonatti, E. & Sevecke, K. (2023). Angststörungen. In R. Kißgen und K. Sevecke (Hrsg.), Psychische Störungen und Verhaltensauffälligkeiten in den ersten Lebensjahren (o.S./in Druck). Hogrefe.

Taferner, C., Möhler, E. & Resch, F. (2023).  Anpassungsstörungen. In R. Kißgen und K. Sevecke (Hrsg.), Psychische Störungen und Verhaltensauffälligkeiten in den ersten Lebensjahren (o.S./ in Druck). Hogrefe.