Mag.a Silvia Exenberger-Vanham

Position: Clinical Psychologist
ORCID: 0000-0002-6256-3058

Keywords: trauma, positive psychology (well-being, posttraumatic growth, resilience) children and adolescents, adults/parents, culture

Research interests: My research interest lies exploring how children and adults/parents fare during a crisis (e.g. COVID-19 crisis) or after crisis (long-term effects) (e.g. Indian Ocean Tsunami; Apartheid). On the one hand, I work with concepts of the positive psychology (well-being, posttraumatic growth, resilience), and on the other hand, I examine the negative consequences of traumatic and stressful events of children, adolescents and adults. Particularly, I am interested how children, adolescents and adults from non-Western cultures understand and interpret Western concepts and theories (well-being, posttraumatic growth, trauma processing). To gain insight into their interpretation and meaning I use qualitative research methods and mixed-methods designs. I also work quantitatively depending on the research questions.



Land Tirol, project according to §27; contractor is the Medical University of Innsbruck represented by Primaria Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kathrin Sevecke (Child- and Adolescent Psychiatry), (total funds: € 181.320,00)

Covid-19: Medium- and long-term effects on the mental health of children aged 3-12 years in North and South Tyrol


Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft (LBG), seed funding in cooperation with: M. Geretsegger (Uni Research health, Norway), B. Gladstone (University of Toronto, Canada), and B. Weimand (Akerhus University Hospital, Norway), (total funds: € 50.000,00)
Cap/able Children: Creating real opportunities for children of parents with mental illness


Fonds Gesundes Österreich (FGÖ) (total funds: € 9.000,00) (co-applicant) and

Tiroler Gesundheitsfonds (TGF) (total funds: € 45.797,08 (co-applicant); Medical University Innsbruck, Univ.-Hosptial of Medical Psychology

Einfluss von Missbrauch in der Kindheit und häuslicher Gewalt auf die körperliche und mentale Gesundheit [Influence of childhood abuse and domestic violence on physical and mental health]


Marie Curie Individual Outgoing Fellowship: Seventh Framework Programme FP7-PEOPLE-2007-4-1-IOF, Marie Curie Actions - International Outgoing Fellowships (IOF) under grant agreement no. 220535, Post-doctoral position, Innsbruck University, Department of Psychology and NIMHANS (National Institute for Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bangalore) Tamil Nadu/India (total funds: € 148.504)
Post-Tsunami: Long-Term Effects of Trauma in Children Aged 7-15 - A Culture-Sensitive Approach

Selected publications

Wenter, A., Schickl, M., Sevecke, K., Juen, B., & Exenberger, S. (2022). Children's Mental Health During the First Two Years of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Burden, Risk Factors and Posttraumatic Growth - A Mixed-Methods Parents' Perspective. Frontiers in Psychology 13:901205. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.901205

Wenter, A., Hartl, S., Sevecke, K.,  Juen, B., & Exenberger, S. (under review). Belastete Grundschulkinder - Welche Belastungsreaktionen und positiven Veränderungen zeigen sich in der Corona-Pandemie? Kindheit und Entwicklung.

Exenberger, S., Wenter, A., Schickl, M., Taferner, C., Haid-Stecher, N., Juen, B., Sevecke, K, & Siller, H. (under review). Cross-sectional studies of effects of Covid-19 containment measures on children's mental health through a gender lens , BMC Pediatrics.

Exenberger, S.,  Kumnig, M., Huber, A., Prodinger, W. M., Siller, H., Medicus, E., Brenner, E., Schüßler, & Höfer, S. (2021). Communicative and social competence in the medical curriculum of the Medical University of Innsbruck: learning objectives, content, and teaching methods, GMS Journal for Medical Education, 38(3).

Exenberger, S., Steidl, A., Kamara, A., & Huber, A. (2022). Exploring Posttraumatic Growth in Sierra Leone Using Mixed Methods. Journal of Happiness Studies, 23(21).

Gladstone, B., Exenberger, S., Weimand, B., Lui,, V., Haid-Stecher, N., & Geretsegger, M. (2021). The Capability Approach in Research about Children and Childhood: A Scoping Review. Child Indicators Research, 14(2), 453-475. doi: 10.1007/s12187-020-09766-0

Siller, H., Beck-Rabanser, C., Hochleitner, M., & Exenberger, S. (2021). Not a woman-question, but a power-question” - A qualitative study of third parties on psychological violence in academic medicine. Workplace Health & Safety, 69(1), 41-49. doi: 10.1177/2165079920938001

Exenberger, S., & Reiber, S. (2020). The significance of time, place and traumatic experience on at-risk youths' view of their well-being: a preliminary study. Child Indicators Research, 13(6), 2157-2180. doi: 10.1007/s12187-020-09738-4

Riedl, D., Lampe, A., Exenberger, S., Nolte, T., Trawöger, I., & Beck, T. (2020). Prevalence of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and associated physical and mental health problems amongst hospital patients: Results from a cross-sectional study. General Hospital Psychiatry.

Siller, H., Warger, R., Juen, B., & Exenberger, S. (2020). Reacting to adolescent suicide - taking a resilience-based approach in schools. Interdiscipli nary Perspectives on Equality and Diversity, 6(1).

Exenberger, S., Riedl, D., Rangaramanujam, K., Amirtharaj, V., & Juen, F. (2019). A crosssectional study of mother-child agreement on PTSD symptoms in a South Indian post-Tsunami sample. BMC Psychiatry.

Exenberger, S., Kumnig, M., Juen, B., Rumpold, G., & Siller, H. (2019). Dimensions of posttraumatic growth in a German-speaking Sample Using Mixed Methods. European Journal of Psychotraumatology. 10(1). doi: 10.1080/20008198.2019.1701258

Riedl, D., Exenberger, S., Daniels, J. K., Böttcher, B., Beck, T., Dejaco, D. & Lampe, A. (2019). Domestic violence victims in a hospital setting: prevalence, health impact and patients' preferences - results from a cross-sectional study, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 10(1), 1654063, DOI: 10.1080/20008198.2019.1654063

Haid-Stecher, N., Exenberger, S., Unterrainer, C., Bliem, H. R., Sevecke, K., & Juen, B. (2019). Validierung der deutschsprachigen Version der Multidimensional Offline and Online Peer Victimization Scale (MOOPV) für Jugendliche an einer Schülerstichprobe [Validation of the German version of the multidimensional offline and online peer victimization scale, MOOPV]. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie.

Riedl, D., Beck, T., Exenberger, S., Daniels, J., Dejaco, D., Unterberger, I., & Lampe, A. (2018). Violence from childhood to adulthood: The influence of child victimization and domestic violence on physical health in later life. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 116, 68-74. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychores.2018.11.019

Exenberger, S., Banzer, R., Christy, J., Höfer, S., & Juen, B. (2019). Eastern and Western children's voices on their well-being. Child Indicators Research, 12(3), 747-768. doi: 10.1007/s12187-018-9541-8

Exenberger, S., Ramalingam, P., & Höfer, S. (2018). Exploring posttraumatic growth in Tamil children affected by the Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004. International Journal of Psychology, 53(5), 397-402. doi: 10.1002/ijop.12395

Beck, T., Riedl, D., Exenberger, S., Stecher, N. & Juen, B. (2018). Führungskräfte im Rettungsdienst sind anders als "normale" Einsatzkräfte [Executives in emergency settings are different compared to "normal” executives]. Notfall + Rettungsmedizin 21, 298-302. doi: 10.1007/s10049-017-0353-z

Beck, T., Riedl, D., Schöckel, A., Reddemann, L., Exenberger, S., & Lampe, A. (2017). Measuring self-soothing ability in patients with childhood trauma - Psychometric evaluation of the self-soothing scale in a clinical sample. Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, 63(4), 361-372.

Exenberger, S. (2003). "Fieldstudy on the choice of friends in two multi-racial pre-schools (South Africa/London).” Anthropologischer Anzeiger, 61(2), 233-243.

Publication list